Personalised podcasts

Your personal audio briefing — turn any content into a private podcast summary for you or your team.

How does it work?

Simply send us an email and we'll generate a custom podcast episode from the content.

Forward email newsletters and listen to an audio summary on your morning walk or driving to work.

Listen on any podcast app that support private podcast feeds.

iOS Apps

These are some of the iOS apps that support private podcast feeds

Android Apps

These are some of the Android apps that support private podcast feeds

These apps don't support private podcast feeds

  • Spotify
  • iHeartRadio
  • Podcast App
  • PodcastOne
  • DoublePod
  • PodcastHD
  • Podcast Guru

The podcast feed is private — it won't be listed publicly. You get your own link just for you or your team.

Want to publish your podcast?

Automate your podcast recording — turn your content into a podcast in minutes.

How does it work?

Submit your own content to generate podcasts episodes. You have full control to edit the script and show notes, plus you can listen to the audio before you publish.

Your podcast can be submitted to Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and many more popular directories.

And you can create multiple podcasts, both public and private. Connect with your audience and keep your internal teams up-to-date.